The Dr. Harold Dick Tapes
Welcome to the historical collection of Dr. Harold Dick lectures and videos. It is with a labor of love that we have preserved and digitized these talks and history. The quality of the videos may differ, so please be understanding with the technologies used back then. These works are Copywritten and may not be reproduced or used without our written permission.
Dr. Harold Dick, born in 1921, was a trained auto mechanic in WWII. He had an auto garage business in Caldwell, Idaho when he discovered the healing practice of Otis G. Carroll, a Sanipractor in Spokane, Washington. After Ruby Dick, his wife, was cured of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Paul Dick, his brother, was cured of bleeding stomach ulcers, Harold took up the torch, becoming a Naturopath and training with OG Carroll for 3 years until the old doc retired in his 80’s. Dr. Harold opened his own clinic in 1959 and practiced in Spokane until his death in 1993. He passed his clinic on to his daughter, Dr. Letitia Dick-Kronenberg, ND in Spokane, Washington. Windrose Naturopathic Clinic continues these healing modalities to this day, under the medical direction of Dr. Letitia Dick-Kronenberg and is the longest continually operating Naturopathic clinic in the United States.
The first one (in three parts) is a historical lecture by Dr. Harold Dick, with a short introduction from Dr. Jared Zeff, and a longer introduction by Dr. Andre Saine. This is Dr. Dick’s first video lecture ever recorded. Harold had refused to speak to the profession for years, as he told many that he didn’t think the profession wanted to hear what he had to say. “I have tried to talk to my profession for years and they don’t want to hear what I have to say,” Harold would say. Somehow, Andre and Jared, had a way to draw him out to speak. Thankfully, we have these recorded talks.
“Our Philosophy is to Cleanse and Purify”
Dr. Harold Dick, ND
Northwest Naturopathic Physicians Convention
Sheraton Inn, Portland, Oregon: October 24th, 1982.
1991 Patient VCR Video
The next one is a VCR recording Dr. Harold Dick made as an introduction for new patients to watch after he discussed their chief complaints. Because he got so tired of saying the same thing to every new patient, he decided to record himself (in order to keep his sanity). He would simply push “play” on the VCR player in his office, walk out of the room, letting the patient watch this.
He perfectly timed his return so he could go in the basement for a quick smoke (he would turn on a fan to blow the cigarette smoke out the basement window). And just as the video ended, he would return, push “stop” and say to the patient: “Well, do you have any questions? Ok, let’s take your blood sample for the diet work.”.
This recording was the final recording following numerous others that were made from 1983 onward. As he wore out one VCR tape, he would have to record a new one. 1000’s of patients sat through these viewings over the years.
Dr Harold Dick Guest Lecture
This next video (in 4 parts) was recorded at National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon on April 9th, 1983. Dr. Andre Saine persuaded him to come to the college talk with students about his long career in Vitalistic Naturopathy and Hydrotherapy.
"What Do You Do?"
This last one (in 5 parts) was also recorded at National College of Naturopathic Medicine (NCNM) on October 15, 1988. His daughter, Letitia Dick-Kronenberg, was a student there at the time and persuaded her father to come speak to the students for a weekend guest lecture.